Introducing Kaz Foncette...
fashion and lifestyle influencer, founder of UK charity Wigs for Heroes and Nicola Jane model for 2024. As a London born Turkish Cypriot, Kaz is 37 years old and lives in North London with her husband Matthew and french bulldog Bugsy.
A two-time breast cancer survivor, Kaz is our inspirational model for 2024,. You'll see Kaz modelling lingerie and swimwear styles from the 2024 Nicola Jane collection throughout our website and catalogue.

How cancer diagnosis and treatment has impacted my life'
I was diagnosed with a HER2 positive breast cancer on 2nd May 2017. A day after celebrating my 6th year wedding anniversary and 8 weeks after turning 31.
I was devastated to have been diagnosed so young but thankfully with all the therapies - chemo, radio, immunotherapy, surgery I’m in remission again for the 2nd time. It’s impacted my life in such a big way, from the way I treat myself now and make the most of my time, to appreciating moments and making memories.
My job has changed and my entire world is now different. There have been some negatives of course, the after-effects during recovery isn’t easy. I do live with fear of reoccurrence everyday, that’s the part I wish I could erase.

'My advice - do what you feel you need to do!'
There is a lot to navigate when it comes to the challenges and emotions following a breast cancer diagnosis but there wasn't a single thing that helped me - it was a multitude of different things and therapies. Talking therapy, retail therapy and also my work with Wigs for Heroes kept me preoccupied and kept me going, distraction can be such a blessing.
After my breast cancer diagnosis it was difficult at first to stay positive but over time it gets easier. During treatment I would make lunch or shopping trip plans after appointments as I found these a good way of staying positive and keeping distracted. Therapy was a massive help, as talking about and working through anxiety was a big thing for me. Anxiety is often the thing that makes situations worse as it can create scenarios that haven't even happened, so managing that it vital.

'Find your tribe and connect with people who understand'
My advice to someone who has recently been diagnosed would be that you are not alone. The stress, the fear, the anxiety - I get it. Find your tribe and connect with people who may be going through a similar situation. I found finding a community and hanging out with people that understood me helped - feeling less alone relieves pressure and fear. No one quite understands what you are going through unless they have been directly impacted.
Make sure you read positive stories of hope, and manifestation is super key. Focusing on things you want and a life beyond cancer, that part was so important to me.

'Having breast cancer shapes your perspective on life. Honestly I live for the day now'
Having breast cancer shapes your perspective on life. Honestly, I live for the day now and I seize opportunities when they are presented to me. I know that life is short and I really don't want to waste it on things that do not bring me joy. I'm a lot less stressed nowadays compared to pre-cancer, I used to worry about the most pointless things before.
Everything about my life has changed since my diagnosis, the biggest thing though is that I feel I have a sense of purpose now.