Meet Emma
Meet Emma - a young mother that has been diagnosed with breast cancer in late 2019 when she felt a lump while taking a shower. Read her inspirational story here

Tell us a bit about yourself:
Hi, I’m Emma and I’m 28 from the West Midlands. I am a mum to a 2-year-old beauty Arlo and a wife- to-be to my fiancé, Tyler. I work full time as a Sales Administrator in the Motor Trade as well as running my own charity, offering free care packages to cancer patients that are having chemotherapy. I also have my own small business selling Crystals and Jewellery Mooski Moon, which I started just this year.
Your diagnosis:
I found my breast lump in the shower around Christmas 2019 I knew something wasn’t right straight away and the area felt rather tender (potentially from all my prodding) I couldn’t actually get in to see my GP for about a week as I kept missing the available appointments however I begged and pleaded with the receptionist who got me in that day, I then got fast tracked to a breast clinic for scans and biopsies as on scans there was a couple more I couldn’t feel.How did you feel when you were told?
Initially I was devastated, I was with my mom and dad at the time they came for moral support, I guess we all thought at 28 it was borderline impossible, so it was definitely a shock. I was diagnosed triple negative breast cancer grade 3 stage 1 -2 (grade 3 being aggressive) so the only thing on my mind was would I see my baby grow up?The treatment
I had 16 rounds of chemotherapy, surgery and 9 rounds of radiotherapy, I started in Late February 2020 and completed just before Christmas 2020.What type of surgery did you have?
I had a lumpectomy as I was told if I had a mastectomy it would make near no difference whether it could come back so I thought I would keep it simple and I also had an uplift on both sides.Do you have any tips for ladies that are about to start their treatment?
Seek advise from professionals - your breast care nurse will be your new best friend and nothing is a silly question! Don’t get too hung up on google or other people’s experiences, try to remain as positive as possible, as hard as that can be and allow yourself time to grieve your diagnosis. You are entitled to cry and shout about it as much as you want to, to make you feel better.Was there a charity that has supported you?
I have received help from Macmillan as I was eligible for their grant and I have spoken to them via their online chat for a rant on more than one occasion – they are fantastic!Are there any products you recommend for ladies that are about to have a surgery or start chemotherapy?
A drain dolly may help if you have surgery and I can really recommend getting Nicola Jane bras! I opted for a front-fastening style, as this is the easiest after surgery and I still wear mine now. It’s the best thing ever! I would also advice to bring baggy pjs and zip up tops, as you will find it difficult to put anything on over your head, so it’s easier to have tops you can close at the front.For the chemo sessions, I would recommend wearing comfy clothes as it can be quite a long day. I also found GinGins Sweets a saviour to help with nausea I experienced after the chemo days. I also swear by Plantur caffeine shampoo – this has really helped my hair to grow and feel healthy again.
The future
Do you have any exciting plans for the upcoming year? (of course hoping that the current covid-19 restriction will be eased and the overall situation will improve)
I am due to get married in June 2021 so that’s super exciting (Covid dependant) and just looking forward to getting my life back to as relatively normal as possible.Is there anything you wish you had known before your diagnosis?
Honestly, that it is not all doom and gloom! I have met some amazing friends on my journey and I have a new “breastie”, Louise who I met through chemo and we talk every day now - I love her! There is always a positive in a negative experience, if you look hard enough.We are all inspirational women, and we all deserve to be recognised for shining through tough times.
Any other useful tips you would like to share?
Don’t push yourself too hard, if you feel you need to rest make sure you do, and a pamper never hurt anyone!Do you have a favourite Nicola Jane product?
The Lynn Zip Front Fastening Bra! It is hands down the best bra I have ever worn, even before my diagnosis - it’s so comfy!
How has Nicola Jane lingerie made you feel?
Nicola Jane lingerie has helped me feel like a woman again. This is so important after any surgery, as it can be so deflating, so it is super important to feel like you look good but feel good too.The reason you have decided to share your story with other ladies ?
I didn’t know girls my age could get breast cancer and I think that the younger generation are quite ignored in stats etc. When in reality it is way, way, way more common, than I could have imagined, which is really frightening. I only ever checked myself, as my amazing nan suffered with breast cancer twice (and came out fighting both times – wonder woman!). If she had not have had cancer, I would never have checked and my story could have been so very different. My aim is to get more young ladies checking and not feeling embarrassed to tell someone. I was the shyest person ever about anyone seeing me, even after having my baby as my boobs weren’t where I wanted them to be anymore, but everyone is so kind and respectful. If I can do it you can and it may just save your life!
Written By
Guest Blogger
By Jodie
10 Mar 2021
"Thank You"
Thank you for sharing your story. I was diagnosed in June last year with Stage 3 Breast Cancer and with a 2 year old had exactly the same thoughts as you, I’m 38. Currently had 6months of chemo, surgery and now undergoing radiotherapy with a further 9months of Kadcyla, so still a long journey to go, but it feels so nice to hear other young women with young children have been through it and came out the other side with such a smile. Thank you it makes me feel not alone Jodie
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