When you or someone close to you has been diagnosed with cancer, money might not be one of the first things you think about. However if you’re not able to work, this can affect your income and lead to stress and worry. You may also have unexpected costs, like travel costs to hospital, or extra childcare.

Help is available if you’re worried about how your finances may be affected, or you’re struggling to cope financially. 

The Macmillan Welfare Rights Service at Citizens Advice in West Sussex (North, South, East) offers free, confidential benefits advice to people living in West Sussex who are affected by cancer, and their families and carers. The team can help ease financial worries and make a huge difference to your mental wellbeing. They can also help you with some practical issues including applying for a Blue Badge.

All advice is free, confidential, independent and impartial.

If you’d like to speak with an adviser, you can ask your hospital to refer you. You can also contact the team directly:

  • Call: 01903 532234
  • Email: macmillanbenefits@westsussexcab.org.uk

Claiming Benefits 

Navigating the benefits system can be confusing especially if you are claiming benefits for the first time. Citizens Advice’s Macmillan Welfare Rights team can help you to understand what you may be eligible for, and support you with your application. 

You can also use an online benefit calculator: Citizens Advice has one here. 

Are all benefits means-tested?

No. Also, owning your own home doesn’t mean you’re not eligible.

Benefits that aren’t means-tested include New-Style Employment Support Allowance. You may be eligible if you’ve paid enough National Insurance Contributions in the last 2-3 years. 

If you’re finding it hard to look after yourself, you may also be eligible for a disability benefit such as Personal Independence Payment or Attendance Allowance. You do not need to have a carer to be eligible; please contact the Macmillan Welfare Rights team to find out more.  

NHS Low Income Scheme

If you don’t qualify for a means-tested benefit you may still qualify for help through the NHS Low Income Scheme. You can find more information here:


Support For Paying Your Council Tax

There is discretionary support from your Local Authority to help you pay your Council Tax, if you are eligible.

If you are receiving a means-tested benefit like Housing Benefit, the housing element of Universal Credit and/or Council Tax Reduction and you are struggling to pay your rent or Council Tax, you can ask your local authority for extra financial help by applying for Discretionary Housing and Council Tax Payments.  

You should be able to find an application form on your Local Authority website, or just ring them up and ask for an application form.  

How Quickly Can I Get Help?

Some benefits can take a number of weeks or even months to be paid. If you are worried about your immediate finances please contact the Macmillan Welfare Rights team at Citizens Advice for support.

Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)

This is paid by your employer. It is not means-tested and many employees are entitled to it – you can receive this for up to 28 weeks. You must follow your employer’s sickness absence reporting procedures, so check your contract. 

Read more about SSP at the Citizens Advice website: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/work/rights-at-work/sick-pay/check-if-youre-entitled-to-sick-pay/

Can I Get Help With Food Or Paying For Fuel Costs In My Home?

Please contact Citizens Advice if you need help with emergency food or fuel:

Phone Adviceline:0808 278 7969 (free)

Email or web chat: www.advicewestsussex.org.uk/contact-us/

If you live in the Arun and Chichester area, please visithttps://www.arunchichestercab.org.uk/