Summer Watson's Story
A big voice with an even bigger heart, soprano Summer Watson is a singer on a mission to inspire as well as entertain. Having beaten stage 4 breast cancer and survived a deadly train crash, the chart-topping international vocalist knows all too well about the challenges that confront us in life.
A bit about the wonderful music Summer Watson produces:
Soulful and intense, Break The Silence showcases the power-driven soprano vocal performance of British Classical Crossover superstar, Summer Watson. With her epic soaring vocals fused with heart wrenching violin solos, this powerhouse of a track blends Adele style pop with epic Bond-esque cinematic orchestration. The lyrics speak of one’s journey through life, the pains and lows, the confronting of one’s demons, fighting, and not backing down in the face of extreme challenges. We all share this journey through this world together along with all of its smiles and sorrows. Ultimately, the song references conquering and prospering through pain by channeling the warrior within each and every one of us. When life gets tough, you put your warrior armor on and say: ‘I will not back down, I will rise and stand taller and stronger than ever before’. After all, the only way out - is through!Tell us a bit about yourself:
1. What is a normal day for you?
I like to wake up at 5:30am, meditate, breathe deep and list all the things that I am grateful for. Next, a nice cup of coffee, shower using my favourite Dr Haushka products and lots of things smelling of rose or lemon and end with Wim Hof breathing in my cold shower. Ready to pounce into the day! Calls and emails with my team, vocal coaching clients, go through the edits of music videos, into the studio working on the music whether it’s recording or checking the mixes. I make my own greens juice in the morning. A delicious green salad for lunch! A walk through the neighbourhood or some time to breathe in a park, or a hike with a friend. Back to the studio and usually a shower and bed at 9pm.
2. What have you got planned in the next year? (hoping that the current situation will improve)
I’m super excited for the release of my new EP Unveiled, written by myself and film composer Taras, mixed by Grammy award winning mixer Richard Furch. Lots of great podcasts coming up, for me to share my story of overcoming breast cancer and now living my best life. February 2021 We will be back in the studio writing for the second EP.
3. Unusual/fun fact about yourself?
I love to run around like pouncing Tigger (Winnie the Poo) and let my inner child come out every time I dance or am at the beach, without a care in the world.
4. Biggest achievement in life to date?
A number 1 album on iTunes, performing at Buckingham palace, overcoming breast cancer but the most personal achievement for me is being the best mum I could have been for my Golden retriever.
5. How would you describe yourself in three words?
Kind, conscientious, hard working
6. How have you kept yourself busy during the lockdown?
Since March, I have been extremely busy writing, recording, mixing my latest EP. Extremely busy with my online vocal clients. It’s been wonderful to take this time to be in a creative bubble. Lots of time has been taken to swim in the ocean, meditate at the beach and laugh with friends.
Your diagnosis and surgery:
1. When were you diagnosed with breast cancer?I was diagnosed in 2014 at 37 years old.
2. What type of surgery did you have?
Single mastectomy. Chose not to have chemo as I didn’t want to burn my vocal chords. And then started my natural healing of meditation, reiki, chakra work, sound baths.
3. Can you tell us a bit about how you felt when you first found out?
When I first found out I was in a state of shock. I experienced PTSD, and had outer body experiences not really feeling connected to life and not knowing what was happening or what to do. It was a surreal time.
4. Who did you turn to when you first found out and who helped you the most throughout?
I was blessed to have a very good friend who helped me navigate all of the hospital appointments. I took my golden retriever with me to most of the hospital appointments. My very good friend Michael Jay (Celine Dion songwriter) let me & Marleigh stay in his beautiful home as I couldn’t tend to myself.
5. Was there anything/anyone that helped you through your treatment?
My golden retriever Marleigh definitely helped me throughout the treatment, and then my good friends who recommended a myriad of natural healing treatments. The most powerful was connecting to laughter, and how important it was for me at this time to learn to heal through laughter.
6. Having been through your journey if your present self could give your past self, advice on something you will experience during the time from diagnosis until now what would it be?
I think it would have been lovely to know that the light will come and that this too shall pass. To be at ease with the healing process and have patience & gratitude for the time to go on an inward journey of self discovery. To write down and journal the experience during the healing process not only helps to get it out of your system but will in turn one day be able to be used to inspire others who will have to face the same diagnosis.
7. Do you have an inspirational story to share with other ladies?
Seeing cancer as my blessing changed everything for me. Through the power of learning how the body and emotional state of the body works it gave me the power to take charge of my life and live my best life and not to carry cancer as a burden but more of a blessing. From the days when my bandages and drip were in, and my whole right breast was black from the surgery unable to lift my right arm fully for over two years, eventually I found myself one day in the pool swimming a mile a day with no pain, and full extension of the arm. The body knows how to heal itself we just have to allow our body to do its’ work. You will get there. One moment at a time.
8. Do you have any post-surgery styling tips?
The “stick on nipple covers” are key!, Get re-measured for your new bra size if you have reconstruction. Comfortable sports bras like lululemon or Alo yoga. They have lots of very comfortable and stylish tops that don’t have to only be worn just for sports.
Any cream with propolis in it will help with the scarring.
And most importantly a big smile as it raises your vibration and changes your whole look!
9. Any advice for other ladies who have or had breast cancer?
It is absolutely crucial to change the attachment in our minds to breast cancer or any illness. If we go into victim more this will not allow us to heal. It is not who we are. Our souls are our essence not the disease. The dis-ease came about in our body for a reason, the only way to fully heal from that is to understand and get to the root cause of what caused this.
A bit of fun:
1. If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be?
I would like to be able to heal all the children and good people in the world who do not deserve to have severe illness.
2. If you were holding a dinner party and could invite any 5 guests (dead or alive!) who would you invite?
Whitney Houston, Nelson Mandella, Princess Diana, Richard Branson, the Queen and my golden retriever Marleigh.
3. Quick-fire questions:
Cats or dogs? Dogs - Golden Retrievers!
Coffee or tea? Coffee
Books or movies? Both
Scrambled or fried? Soft scrambled
Spring or Autumn? Autumn (or should I say Summer ;) )
Anything else you would like to share?
The road to healing for those who have had cancer, have cancer, or for friends and family who know people who have cancer, can be long. It is a blessing though and nothing to be frightened of - it is a time to completely change your entire life. Healing is possible when we get to the root of our true authenticity. Cancer is a sign as to what is causing us dis-ease within us. There is nowhere for the toxins to go. Cancer is not just about what we eat, but also the other part of the triangle of well being; emotional well being. It is key to be aware what do you think when you wake up, what self talk do you have?, how do you talk with loved ones?, how do you feel when you have spent time or had a conversation with anyone in your life?, what tv/radio/magazines do you watch & read, if any of this leaves you feeling like you have a knot in your stomach or you get frustrated by the media that you watch and listen to, the answer should be that you don’t spend time with those people nor watch / listen to that type of media. Clear your home using the amazing feng shui, everything you look at, touch and feel in your home from your socks to your favourite piece of furniture - everything should give you joy!!To live life in the present is exactly that A GIFT to be enjoyed.

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