Halloween, a time of quirky costumes, frights, peculiar decorations and of course ‘treats’. Join us as we check in with the experts at Witterings Fitness, as they unveil a few scary truths when it comes to Halloween snacks!

Here in the UK, as in many parts of the world, Halloween celebrations are becoming increasingly popular, however not all Halloween "treats" are created equal in terms of their impact on your health.

The good news is that you can make a few adjustments and still enjoy the festivities without falling for the ‘tricks’. Some seemingly harmless foods can play tricks on your wellbeing, mental health and body fat, whilst others can genuinely be treats for you - nourishing your body.


Toffee Apples..

These glossy, sugary apples may seem like an innocent delight, but they are often coated with a sticky layer of toffee that's packed with sugar. Toffee apples can be tough on your teeth and wreak havoc on your blood sugar levels - potentially leading to weight gain.

Jelly Sweets...

These colourful, wobbly jelly sweets may appear innocent, but they are typically loaded with sugar, artificial colours and flavours. Indulging in these can result in sugar rushes and potential digestive issues.

Fizzy Drinks...

Halloween parties often feature fizzy drinks, but these beverages are laden with sugar contributing to weight gain and dental problems. Have you tried Kombucha as an alternative?


Pre-packaged pastries, such as Halloween-themed doughnuts and cakes can be tempting, however they are high in unhealthy fats and sugar. It is much better to opt for something with a better nutritional value.


Crisps and savoury snacks may not scream Halloween, but they can still sneak into your celebrations. These snacks are typically high in salt and artificial additives making them a stealthy trick to your health.


Roasted Pumpkin Seeds...

Don't discard those pumpkin seeds! Roasted pumpkin seeds make for a nutritious snack; packed with fibre, protein and essential minerals.

Apple Bobbing...

Embrace the traditional British game of apple bobbing. Apples are in season during October, making this game a fun Halloween activity!

Dark Chocolate...

If you're craving chocolate, opt for dark chocolate with high cocoa content. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants and can be enjoyed in moderation.

Fruit Platter...

Create a colourful fruit platter using seasonal fruits like grapes, apples and satsumas. It's a simple and healthy addition that everyone can enjoy.

Homemade Popcorn...

Popcorn can be a nutritious wholegrain snack when prepared at home without excessive butter or salt. Season with herbs or spices for extra flavour.

Vegetable Crudités

Slice up some crunchy vegetables like carrots and cucumber and serve them with a tasty hummus dip. It's a refreshing and nutritious option.

This October 31st, lets revel in a Halloween that combines tricks and treats to satisfy our taste buds and keeping us feeling our best as we make better choices and improve our fitness.

By making thoughtful food choices and embracing the seasonal bounty, you can celebrate this spooky holiday while still look after your wellbeing and reducing the impact of food waste on our planet.

Halloween can still be celebrated by preparing and enjoying healthier alternatives.

Warm Pumpkin Soup

Don't throw out your pumpkin! Celebrate the season by whipping up some homemade pumpkin soup. It's hearty, rich in vitamins and perfect for warming up on a chilly October evening.

Did you know approximately 18,000 tonnes of pumpkins are discarded each year? The most alarming aspect of pumpkin waste is that when they end up in landfills they decompose and release an extremely harmful greenhouse gas: methane.