Health, Fitness and Wellbeing with Girl Got Glow
Find out about the Girl Got Glow lifestyle, philosophy, recipes and programmes...

You may recognise Abbey from the Nicola Jane 2018 catalogue. However, modelling isn’t Abbey’s only talent and passion, she also runs her own health, fitness and wellbeing business Girl Got the Glow.
Read on to find out all about the Girl Got Glow philosophy and how you could WIN a free Keep Glowing - Wellness Coaching Plan!
I’ve always had an interest in both fitness and cooking but it wasn’t until I became pregnant that it really turned into a passion. All of a sudden I was going to be responsible for another person and I wanted to make sure I was as healthy as possible for my baby, as well as for myself.
Before becoming a mum, I worked as a commercial model for around 16 years and had a great career that I thoroughly enjoyed. I got to do some amazing things, travel to some incredible places, meet some great people and for that I’m truly grateful. However, I also experienced the other side of the industry too. I’ve been to many castings where I’ve been told I’m too thin, too fat, too tall, too short, eyebrows too thin (yes, really!) but thankfully I learned quite quickly not to take these comments to heart. Don’t get me wrong, there have been times when my confidence has taken a complete battering!
Us women put ourselves under such a huge amount of pressure to look a certain way and to be perfect and it’s bloody exhausting! The images we see in the magazines aren’t real and we all know that, but we still strive for this unachievable perfection. Girl Got Glow is as much about self-confidence and loving our bodies as it is about food and fitness! There are millions of companies out there that promote meal replacement shakes, restrictive diets, pills and crazy hard workouts and yes, they will get results but for how long and at what cost to your body?
Food is such a powerful thing and something that is little understood especially when it comes to illness and the impact food can have on our health. When I say it’s little understood I mean the science is very much out there but it’s not mainstream enough. Did you know that doctors have very little training on nutrition during their time at university? So, it’s likely if you pop to see your doctor about a problem they will not even ask you about your diet. This is insane being as diet has such a huge impact on our health!
I’m a firm believer in taking responsibility for our own health. More and more people are now realising that a plant-based diet can have a massively positive impact on our well-being. There are so many studies which have shown that a diet high in animal products can lead to chronic diseases - the evidence really does speak for itself. Check out “What the Health” or “Forks over Knives” documentaries - they’re eye-openers to say the least!
Girl Got Glow was born a few years ago fuelled by my passion for all things wellness. I want to get women out of that depressing cycle of dieting and work on a lifestyle which makes them look and feel great FOREVER! Firstly they’ll be no counting calories! For example...yes, an avocado is high in calories but it’s also packed full of nutrients!
My menu suggestions focus on whole-foods which nourish the body. There is very little dairy and no meat in my recipes because I truly believe this is the healthiest way to eat. After eating this way for a few years I can honestly say that I have never felt better – mentally as well as physically. All workout plans I create are tailored to the individual, so whether you’ll be working out at home, in the park or at the gym they’ll be quick and simple to follow. Girl Got Glow is NOT a quick fix, it’s all about a lifestyle change which means the workouts will be sustainable – leading to a healthier body and mind.
Fancy giving it a go and ditching dairy? Here are some easy swaps!
Cows Milk - try unsweetened almond milk on your cereal or in your coffee and oat milk is lovely on porridge. Soy or almond milks are fine to replace cow’s milk in cooking things like a white sauce too.
Cheese - vegan cheese is getting better and there are some great companies doing nut-based cheeses. Try Sainsbury's dairy-free feta in salads .You really can't tell the difference! There are also great vegan parmesans too.
Cream - for cooking just use coconut milk from a can, it's perfect for curry, soups and stir-fry dishes. For drizzling over a pudding Oatly do a great dairy-free version of single cream (available in most supermarkets) or if you have more time try whizzing up cashews nuts with a little sweetener such as maple syrup - this makes a lovely healthy cream which tastes amazing, whipped coconut milk is also pretty good alternative too.
Butter - Again there are loads of dairy-free spreads but I prefer to spread hummus or an avocado on a sandwich instead. It tastes better and it's more nutritious!
Want to try some of my favourites recipes? Head over to the Girl Got Glow recipe page on the Nicola Jane Blog for some healthy inspiration!
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