Meet Vicky - our Customer and Model
Find out more about Vicky, one of our lovely customers featured as one of our Inspirational Women in this year’s catalogue.

Getting To Know Vicky
Tell Us A Bit About Yourself
I’m a 48-year-old mother of two girls and have been married to my husband for 16 years now.What Is A Normal Day For You?
A normal day starts with waking the girls up and getting them ready for school. This is followed by a short commute to school (5 mins along the lane) to drop them off. I then look after and exercise our horses. We have 5 horses in work and two youngsters – so quite a few to look after. I tend to spend my mornings at the stables. My afternoons are usually spent catching up with household chores or shopping and looking after our menagerie of animals. I then pick the girls up at 3.30pm and they either ride their ponies or attend one of the many after school activities! Then it’s time to head home to cook a meal for us all and enjoy the rest of the evening.What Do You Do For Fun?
Our horses are a huge part of my life. I regularly compete my horses, mostly in Dressage but also Show Jumping and Eventing. My girls and my husband also ride regularly. We have quite a collection of animals; 2 dogs, a cat, a rabbit, 2 Guinea Pigs and some Chickens. I spend a lot of time looking after them all!What Have You Got Planned In The Next Year?
In the next year, Imogen, my eldest daughter will leave primary School and start Secondary school. We are currently looking at schools. My diary is always jam packed and with all the animals it is tricky to get away on holiday, however, we always try to get away for a week to go skiing after Christmas and hopefully to Menorca in June. One of our favourite trips is when we take the horses and dogs and go camping and riding in the New Forest.Biggest Achievement In Life To Date?
Definitely my two girls, Imogen and Elsa!
How Would You Describe Yourself?
If I had to describe myself in three words it would be: happy, well-balanced and positive!You & Nicola Jane
Why Did You Decide To Become A Nicola Jane Inspirational Woman?
I applied to be an Inspirational Woman because I want other ladies going through the Breast Cancer journey to realise that there is light at the end of the tunnel! Life is amazing afterwards – you don’t take anything for granted and appreciate things a lot more.Why Do You Shop With Nicola Jane?
Nicola Jane has really helped me feel like myself again after my mastectomy! All the styles are very feminine, flattering and confidence boosting.What Do You Look For When Purchasing A Post-Surgery Bra?
It is important to me that when I look in the mirror, the bra helps make my front and side look like I did before cancer. I also look for bras that boost my confidence and make me feel as comfortable in bras as I felt before the diagnosis.Your surgery & Diagnosis
When Were You Diagnosed With Breast Cancer?
I was diagnosed in February 2015, on Valentine’s Day to be exact!What Type Of Surgery Did You Have?
I had a single mastectomy.
How Did You Feel When You First Found Out – what was your first thought or worry?
I felt like my world had been turned upside down. My first major concern was my family. My children were still very young.Who Did You Turn To When You First Found Out And Who Helped You The Most Throughout?
I realised I had several friends who had been through Breast Cancer. I got straight on the phone to them all and they really helped me. There are too many to name!Was There Anything That Helped You Through Your Treatment?
I have to say a special thanks to my Breast Care Nurse, she was always there for me when I needed support or advice. Both my surgeon and oncologist have been outstanding with their care and aftercare. I also met a lovely lady, Corinne at my first chemo and we have stayed in touch. We are ‘Chemo Buddies’ for life now! I could talk to her at anytime of day or night. I also rode my rescue horse, Lyric all the way through my treatment. She really looked after me and helped made me feel ‘normal’ on those dark days.

What Advice Would You Give Your Past Self?
That life is better than ever once you get through it. It really is!!Do You Have An Inspirational Story To Share With Other Ladies?
After my 5th chemo, I was nearly ready to give up and not go for my last one. But there was a competition that I really wanted to do on my rescue horse, Lyric. It was a Dressage to Music championship qualifier. In the morning I was struggling to get her ready and thinking “what the hell am I doing”? It was only a few days after I had had my chemo. However, once I entered the arena and the music came on Lyric took me around and we danced to the music! Corinne had come to watch me. It was a very emotional moment when we saw that we had won! Everyone was in tears. This boosted me enough to push me through my final round of chemo.Do You Have Any Post-Surgery Styling Tips?
I tend to wear fairly high-necked tops to have a bit more coverage and avoid any gaping. The Nicola Jane Vest Tops (V007) are very good to wear and you know that the gaping hole isn’t on show when you lean forward.Any Advice For Other Ladies Who Have Or Had Breast Cancer?
Just think “it’s a pile of rubbish you have to get through, but life is better than ever afterwards”. You truly value life more than you did before!
Written By
Nicola Jane
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