Inspirational Woman Update - Jenny

When we first launched the 2018 Nicola Jane Catalogue, how did you feel seeing yourself as a Nicola Jane Inspirational Woman?
I was and still am surprised when I see myself online or in the catalogue I can't believe it’s me, as I've never done anything like this before! That said I sent a link to all my friends and requested copies of the catalogue to show my mum.
What have you been up to since the photoshoot?
Since the photoshoot, life has not stood still having got divorced in late 2017, I bought a new home and moved in February 2018. Since then I've been getting the house to how I want it with colours and decor and in the summer I had a summer house put in and am thoroughly enjoying designing and landscaping my garden. We got a new puppy in June to join our 7 year old cocker spaniel - she's also a cocker spaniel but full of beans so has kept me very busy along with work and exploring my new neighbourhood. I also took my children and their partners on holiday in August, we rented a villa in Fuerteventura with its own pool and had a wonderful time relaxing and sight-seeing.
Have you got any exciting plans for the rest of 2019?
This year I'm focussing on finishing my garden to that I can enjoy it, I'm also in the process of getting an allotment which will need planting out. Having had a tough few years I'm going to try and concentrate on me and enjoying simple pleasures in life like walking my dogs and cooking with my daughter.
What is your favourite Nicola Jane piece and why?
During the photoshoot I modelled the Maui collection high neck swimsuit and now have this, which has given me much confidence as my mastectomy scars are quite severe and this provides cover without me looking like an old woman! I also have the Valerie lace camisole bra which I rely on, again to hide my scars and uneven chest.
After treatment some ladies find it difficult to get back to normality.Do you have any advice or tips that helped you regain your confidence?
For me it was about getting active again I started with a gentle keep fit class which focussed on stretching rather than aerobic exercise, since then I've taken up ballet and do Zumba as much as I can. Having to work full time has made me realise the importance of time for me and that's my focus going forward I'm looking to learn new skills and spend as much time as I can with my family.